ZipCode 2013 Areas, NZ PostCode 2013 Suburbs
Postcode 2013 Suburbs, ZipCode 2013 Areas & Regions in Auckland,Auckland New Zealand
There are at least 105 NZ suburbs share the same NZ PostCode 2013 in Auckland, Tokanui, Opotiki, , Marlborough Sounds.
Postal Code 2013 Regions
The New Zealand postcode 2013 regions include Auckland, Southland District, Opotiki District, Marlborough District, Lower Hutt City, Dunedin City, Wairoa District, Porirua City, Area outside Territorial Authority, Christchurch City, Far North District, Taupo District, Central Otago District in the areas of Auckland, Tokanui, Opotiki, , Marlborough Sounds, Auckland, These postcode areas are all located in the state Auckland, Auckland.
ZipCode 2013 Areas
AU PostCode 2013 suburbs contain Burswood, Huntington Park, Golflands, Dannemora, Otara, Glasgow Island, Karaka / Hamilton Island, Horahora Kakahu Island, Jordy Rocks, Mokopuna Island, Motuanauru Island, Moukirikiri Island, Otuhaereroa Island, Pudding Island, Tarakaipa Island, Tawhitinui Island, The Brothers, Wharenoa / Cemetery Island, Andersons Bay Inlet, Apiti Bay, Blanket Bay, Blockhouse Bay, Browns Bay, Cave Bay, Clifford Bay, Te Koko-o-Kupe / Cloudy Bay, Waingaro Bay, Cutters Bay, Deep Bight, Dowling Bay, Edwards Bay, Fitzroy Bay, Glasgow Bay, Glen Bay, Hakahaka Bay, Hakana Bay, Hamilton Bay, Houghton Bay, Jerdans Bay, Kaikoura Bay, Kakapo Bay, Kanae Bay, Karaka Bay, Lamlash Bay, Latham Bay, Lyall Bay, Lynfield Cove, Ngakuta Bay, Ocean Bay, Ohariu Bay, Ohau Bay, Onehunga Bay, Onewhero Bay, Opau Bay, Opihi Bay, Oteranga Bay, Owhiro Bay, Oyster Bay, Pakiaka Bay, Pipi Bay, Portobello Bay, Rangitane Bay, Raynbirds Bay, Waikutakuta / Robin Hood Bay, Smiths Bay, Tangitu Bay, Tapuaeharuru Bay, Tapuaenui Bay, Tarakena Bay, Te Ihootoko Bay, Te Onepoto Bay, Tom Canes Bay, Tongue Bay, Tumbledown Bay, Turnbulls Bay, Waipahihi Bay, Waipuna Bay, Waitaha Cove, Whangakoko Bay, Whanganui Inlet, Whangataura Bay, Whangatoetoe Bay, Wharehou Bay, Whataroa Bay, Pukatea / Whites Bay, Island Bay, Te Whanganui / Port Underwood, Te Puna Inlet, Flounder Bay, Sandy Bay, Motutara Island, McNulty Inlet, Te Ikaamaru Bay, Kingfish Bay, Moturekareka Island, Uruti Bay, Ivey Bay, Raukawa Rock, Clara Island, White Horse Rock, Two Mile Bay, East Tamaki, you can check the below link to see the 102 suburbs detailed information.
NZ PostCode 2013 Map
NZ PostCode 2013 Suburbs
1. Burswood
2. Huntington Park
3. Golflands
4. Dannemora
5. Otara
6. Otara
7. Glasgow Island
8. Karaka / Hamilton Island
9. Horahora Kakahu Island
10. Jordy Rocks
11. Mokopuna Island
12. Motuanauru Island
13. Moukirikiri Island
14. Otuhaereroa Island
15. Pudding Island
16. Tarakaipa Island
17. Tawhitinui Island
18. The Brothers
19. Wharenoa / Cemetery Island
20. Andersons Bay Inlet
21. Apiti Bay
22. Blanket Bay
23. Blockhouse Bay
24. Browns Bay
25. Cave Bay
26. Clifford Bay
27. Te Koko-o-Kupe / Cloudy Bay
28. Waingaro Bay
29. Cutters Bay
30. Deep Bight
31. Dowling Bay
32. Edwards Bay
33. Fitzroy Bay
34. Glasgow Bay
35. Glen Bay
36. Hakahaka Bay
37. Hakana Bay
38. Hamilton Bay
39. Houghton Bay
40. Jerdans Bay
41. Kaikoura Bay
42. Kakapo Bay
43. Kanae Bay
44. Karaka Bay
45. Lamlash Bay
46. Latham Bay
47. Lyall Bay
48. Lynfield Cove
49. Ngakuta Bay
50. Ocean Bay
51. Ohariu Bay
52. Ohau Bay
53. Onehunga Bay
54. Onewhero Bay
55. Opau Bay
56. Opihi Bay
57. Oteranga Bay
58. Owhiro Bay
59. Oyster Bay
60. Pakiaka Bay
61. Pipi Bay
62. Portobello Bay
63. Rangitane Bay
64. Raynbirds Bay
65. Waikutakuta / Robin Hood Bay
66. Smiths Bay
67. Tangitu Bay
68. Tapuaeharuru Bay
69. Tapuaenui Bay
70. Tarakena Bay
71. Te Ihootoko Bay
72. Te Onepoto Bay
73. Tom Canes Bay
74. Tongue Bay
75. Tumbledown Bay
76. Turnbulls Bay
77. Waipahihi Bay
78. Waipuna Bay
79. Waipuna Bay
80. Waitaha Cove
81. Whangakoko Bay
82. Whanganui Inlet
83. Whangataura Bay
84. Whangatoetoe Bay
85. Wharehou Bay
86. Whataroa Bay
87. Pukatea / Whites Bay
88. Island Bay
89. Te Whanganui / Port Underwood
90. Te Puna Inlet
91. Flounder Bay
92. Sandy Bay
93. Motutara Island
94. McNulty Inlet
95. Te Ikaamaru Bay
96. Kingfish Bay
97. Moturekareka Island
98. Uruti Bay
99. Ivey Bay
100. Raukawa Rock
101. Clara Island
102. White Horse Rock
103. Two Mile Bay
104. Otara
105. East Tamaki