Lower Murray Suburbs & Region, Lower Murray Map & Postcodes

Lower Murray Suburbs & Region, Lower Murray Map & Postcodes in Lower Murray, Murray, NSW, AU

Lower Murray Region

  • Region Name

    Lower Murray (NSW, AU)
  • Lower Murray Area

    63968 square kilometers (63,968 ㎢)
  • Postal Codes

    2648, 2717, 2736, 2737, 2739, and 2878 (In total, there are 6 postcodes in Lower Murray.)
  • Lower Murray Suburb Area Map (Polygon)

    Lower Murray, New South Wales Polygon Area Map
  • Lower Murray Introduction

    Lower Murray is a locality in the Murray River region of New South Wales, Australia. It is located in the Shire of Murrumbidgee and is situated by the Murray River. The town is a popular tourist destination and is known for its fishing, boating, and water sports. It is also home to several wineries and vineyards. The population of Lower Murray is approximately 2,000 people.
  • Australia State

  • City or Big Region

  • District or Regional Area

  • Lower Murray Region Map

    Lower Murray, New South Wales Region Map

Lower Murray Postcodes / Zip Codes

Lower Murray Suburbs

  • Lower Murray full address

    Lower Murray, Murray, New South Wales, NSW, Australia, SaCode: 10902

Lower Murray, Murray, New South Wales, NSW, Australia, SaCode: 10902

Lower Murray Suburbs & Region, Lower Murray Map & Postcodes has 0 areas or regions above, and there are 33 Lower Murray suburbs below. The sa3code for the Lower Murray region is 10902. Its latitude and longitude coordinates are -34.1433,142.12.

Lower Murray Suburbs & Localities