Haast Area, Haast Postcode(7844) & Map in Haast
Haast Area, Haast Postcode(7844) & Map in Haast, Westland District, New Zealand
Haast, Westland District, New Zealand
Haast Postcodes
Haast Area (estimated)
921.5 square kilometersHaast Population (estimated)
172 people live in Haast, West Coast, NZHaast Suburb Area Map (Polygon)
Haast Introduction
Haast is a small town on the West Coast of New Zealand's South Island. It is known for its stunning natural beauty, including the Haast Thunderstorms, which are among the most powerful storms in the world. The town is also home to the Haast Eagle, a rare and endangered species of eagle.Region
Major City
Suburb Name
HaastOther Name(s)
Haast Beach, Huxley Gorge, Lake MoerakiHaast Area Map (Street)
Local Authority
Westland DistrictFull Address
Haast, Westland District, New ZealandAddress Type
Locality in Major Locality HaastHaast Suburb Map (Satellite)
Main Region in AU
West CoastHaast Region Map
-43.8806582,169.0420322 (latitude/longitude)Distances
The distance from Haast, Haast, Westland District to NZ Top 10 Cities